In this joint University/Winchester Action on Climate Change lecture, new WinACC Chair Dr Tony Stoller CBE will explore the significance of changing public opinion to ensuring effective action on climate change.

Can efforts to limit the impact of global warming succeed without winning the hearts and minds of opinion formers, governments, global business and the general public? Tony will consider current opinion and how it is changing, and will look at examples of major shifts in perception and consensus in other areas of public policy. He will examine in particular the role of the media, both traditional and social, and suggest how modern communication techniques and platforms can be used to harness opinion to provide a public space in which politicians feel empowered to act.

Tony Stoller chairs the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, a major independent social and public policy research organisation, as well as the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust, and has served on public bodies as diverse as the Competition Commission and the Freedom of Information Tribunal. He has extensive experience in media and communications, was Chief Executive of the Radio Authority, the regulatory body for all non-BBC radio, and played a senior role in establishing the communications regulator Ofcom.

Light refreshments from 18.30; the lecture starts at 19.00. Free to attend, but seat reservation is essential. To reserve a place please email or phone 01962 827083.

This event is also part of WinACC’s ‘Is it the answer?’ series on climate change. WinACC is hosted and supported by the University; Find out more about WinACC.

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