The Crafts Council’s research report Studying Craft: trends in craft education and training launches in February 2014 with a series of four events to present the key findings.

The events will explore how art, craft and design education and training, from key stage 4 to post-graduate level, has changed over the last five years, how participation patterns are shifting, and where new courses are emerging.

Following presentation of the findings there will be the opportunity for discussion and networking, and the chance to shape arguments about craft education and training for the future.

The events are for makers, policy makers, research specialists, and education institutions. All events are free but must be booked in advance. Book using Eventbrite.

Studying Craft, Manchester – 18 March, Manchester Metropolitan University

A full day seminar presenting research findings from Studying Craft: trends in craft education and training, case studies and examples of good practice in craft education in the UK and the Netherlands.

This seminar will be delivered in association with CHEAD.

9.30am – Registration

10.00 – Welcome & Introduction

10.30 – Craft Education Study 2013 – Key Findings – Fiona Tuck, Head of Research, TBR

11.00 – Discussion 1 (Q&A on research findings)

11.20 – Collaboration Through Craft

12.00 – Discussion 2

12.45 – Closing remarks

13.00 – Lunch

14.00 – Issues for Craft practice and Craft education in the Netherlands

14.45 – Panel discussion: And what do we do now? Putting it into a wider context.

15.45 – Workshop session: invitation to delegates to watch, try and learn from practitioners