Building on the publication of Working with Vulnerable Children, Young People and Families (Routledge, 2013), Newman is holding a conference that will explore what constitutes vulnerability and how this has been conceptualised by practitioners, theorists and policy makers in relation to an emerging political agenda.

The conference – ‘Hidden Truths: Understanding vulnerability in 21st century Britain’ will be held at Newman on Friday 8th November. The keynote speakers include Lynsey Hanley, renowned Guardian journalist and critically acclaimed local author of Estates: An Intimate History (Granta, 2007), and Professor Stan Tucker, who is internationally recognised for his research on children and young people’s human rights, social inclusion, risk and the changing nature of childhood.

Conference workshops will focus on an exploration of vulnerability in relation to specific groups including: care leavers; children of prisoners; children with special educational needs and disabilities; young people and the homeless; young people who have sexually harmed others; violence in the context of personal relationships; young people, digital media & risk; and risk in Schools (for further details see draft programme).

The conference will also feature a Panel Discussion where representatives from regional organisations will present their ideas/manifesto for working with vulnerable children & young people followed by an open debate considering the challenges and opportunities in this area. Finally, the conference will launch a new specialist website on vulnerability, with resources for those working in the subject.

For further information visit the Newman University website