On the 3rd November the National Centre for the Study and Prevention of Violence and Abuse (NCSPVA) will be hosting an event at the Hive entitled ‘Women Supporting Women: Peer Mentoring and Coaching’. The event will consider some of the issues connected with working effectively with women facing domestic abuse, those who may be affected by the criminal justice system or who face multiple disadvantage and/or complex needs. Speakers will consider women designed and led approaches to interventions, women supporting women, peer mentoring and coaching practices in working effectively with women bringing hope, motivation and self-confidence.

Speakers to include:

Beverley Gilbert

Senior Lecturer, University of Worcester and Director of Cohort 4

Welcome, an introduction to the evening and to the speakers

An introduction to peer mentoring and the power of women helping women

Kristy O’Dowd

Project Lead at Cohort 4 in North Warwickshire

A Personal Perspective. How peer mentoring and women designed and delivered projects work when surviving domestic abuse and/or involvement in crime

Tracey McMahon

Writer, Business Woman and Lancashire Firecracker

Peer mentoring women and the importance of home in surviving disadvantage and involvement in the criminal justice system

Lucy Baldwin

Senior Lecturer in Criminology at De Montfort University

Author/Editor of Mothering Justice: Working with Mothers in Social & Criminal Justice Settings

Clare McGregor

Author of Coaching Behind Bars: Facing Challenges and Creating Hope in a Women’s Prison

Coaching gives hope and shows how, support at the right time, and in the right way, enables us all to turn our lives around.


Places cost £40 per person. Please see the flyer for further information.