The next PhD By Design conference, ‘
The conference is an opportunity to present work and discuss the diverse aspects of what it means to do a practice-based PhD in Design.
The aim of the conference is to vocalise, discuss and work through many of the topical issues of conducting a practice-based PhD in design. It will enable early career design researchers to explore the many aspects of knowledge production within and across academic institutions. Through this conference we want to provide a forum to build a practice-based design research community.
Who for?
The conference especially invites designers undergoing or having completed a practice-based PhD within and outwith design departments.
What will happen?
This two day event will include twelve discussion sessions around the theme of ‘Researching across difference’, presentations from leading design researchers Professor Doina Petrescu (University of Sheffield and atelier d’architecture autogérée) and Professor Roberto Feo (Goldsmiths, University of London and El Ultimo Grito), peer-to-peer research skills workshops and a display of design research imagery. All participants will be presenting their research to ensure a supportive and engaged environment in which to share practices, experiences, dilemmas, failures and doubts.
How to get involved
We ask you to complete the application form and submit one question related to issues of researching across difference you are discovering within your PhD. This question will be used to group you into discussion sessions that will run throughout the conference.
If your application is successful, you will need to bring with you a 5-minute presentation about how your practice-based research works across difference.
As spaces are limited, when completing the application form, please consider how your work speaks to the conference theme and convey this in your bio, research statement and the question you submit. You will be informed whether your application is successful by the 11th September.
Application submission deadline is the 6th September 2015.
To read more about the event, download the brochure here: PosterPhDByDesign2015 or visit the website
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