On October 28th 2014 the National Centre for the Study and Prevention of Violence and Abuse (NCSPVA) held a Trafficking event, at which key speakers presented on the different forms of Trafficking, how they can cross over and on policy and practice. Delegates at the event were asked to reflect on their organisational role, remit in relation to Trafficking, and on how they can respond to it more effectively.

This follow up event is an opportunity to discuss the current status of Trafficking along with changes and progress since the October event including the introduction of the ‘Modern Slavery Bill’

NB Delegates booking for this event do not have to have attended the last event.

Target Audience:

This conference is aimed at front line practitioners from statutory agencies and voluntary organisations, researchers, academics and students interested in the topic of trafficking as well as trainee professionals in health and social care fields.

Cost: £45

Book your place

To book a place please contact Esther Dobson: e.dobson@worc.ac.uk 01905 542711

Download the flyer: Human Trafficking