This seminar, which will form part of the AHRC’s ‘Being Human’ Festival of the Humanities, presents ideas and projects which respond to a dialogue that, at its core, is inherently about interdisciplinarity. It allows lead researchers and participants, who might be considering engaging in future projects, to unpack the processes and methodologies of collaborative research between artists, scientists and patients.

Two projects – Under the Skin (Dr Catherine Baker, Norwich University of the Arts and Prof Iain Gilchrist, University of Bristol) and Significant Walks (Dr Shirley Chubb, University of Chichester and Prof Ann Moore, University of Brighton,  funded by the Wellcome Trust) will anchor the Negotiating Practice programme, serving as a springboard for discussions about the role such collaborative research projects play in informing public understanding of, and empathy for, chronic physical challenges.

To book on to Negotiating Practice, visit the Being Human page.

Download the conference flier for further information:


The seminar has kindly been supported by CREST, Norwich University of the Arts, the University of Chichester, the University of Bristol and the University of Brighton.

If you are interested in attending this research seminar, visit the Being Human festival website to book, or contact the CREST Research Network Coordinator or the CREST Research, Communications and Events Officer for further information.

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