Building on a tradition of day-long Research Symposia, the Research and Knowledge Exchange Centre at the University of Winchester first organised a series of events in 2012, culminating in the first Research and Engagement Week in 2013. The aim of R&E Week is to showcase the breadth and depth of the fascinating and important research carried out by Winchester academics, and will run from 28th April until the 2nd of May 2014.

The week’s activities include conferences on topics including ‘Winchester: Archaeology and Memory’ and ‘Trust, Risk, Information and the Law’; WUP’s launch of Alys Longley’s publication The Foreign Language of Motion, a showcasing of the Prison Drama Project: The Fight in the Dog; an Early Years Cluster seminar hosted by Visiting Professor Penelope Leach; a Writers Festivel reception; and the Capstone lecture, ‘A Window on Middle Saxon England: Decoding the Franks Casket’. Postgraduate students will also have the opportunity to showcase their research at the annual Symposium and vis-a-vis a series of workshop sessions.

Click here to learn more about the series of events, and to access the Research and Engagement Week programme.