ReflectED, the Journal of Education produced by St Mary’s University College, Twickenham was officially re-launched last week under the editorship of Senior Lecturer Dr Christine Edwards-Leis.

This second edition of the journal has been published by St Mary’s School of Education and aims to celebrate the challenging and changing nature of educational research and practice whilst providing a vehicle for partnership between students, teachers and academic staff to disseminate research, scholarly activity and pedagogical practice.

This new edition explores learning in different contexts and in different parts of the world. With articles from students and teachers, it provides a forum for valued research and excellent practice.

Dr Edwards-Leis said, “Our mission is to advance education through continuing reflective practice and professional development in diverse schools and ReflectED is particularly in keeping with this mission.

“This second edition has been some time in the pipeline since the first edition was published in 2011 under the editorial guidance of Dr Lorna Goodwin. Many members of that original team have continued to contribute their experience of educators, researchers and writers to review the research received for publication and I would like to thank them for their continued support of ReflectED.”

Head of the School of Education Dr Maureen Glackin commented, “The re-launch of the journal emphasises the evolution of practice-based research that is at the heart of our vision as a research-enriched teaching school.  It is critical reflection on practice that nurtures quality teaching and learning and the journal is an exemplar for this.”

To request a copy of ReflectED, please contact Dr Edwards-Leis on