Process. Perception. Phenomena. Research Student Conference and Exhibition 

University for the Creative Arts – Canterbury Campus

Conference date: 14 March 2012

Exhibition date: 14 – 23 March 2012

We would like to invite responses to the theme: Process. Perception. Phenomena. Consideration may be given to one or all of these terms. What are the developmental relations between phases of research and the forms they take?

Students have an opportunity to show their work to promote critical reflection on current practice-led research in visual arts and design. By bringing together the varied methodological approaches, practices and theoretical positions that characterise research at the University for the Creative Arts, the conference aims to be a space to engage with peers about the nature of new research.


A limited number of CREST Bursaries of up to £100 supporting travel and expenses are available to research students at CREST Member institutions whose papers are accepted for the Conference (see below). Contact the Research Network Coordinator for further details.


Process. Perception. Phenomena. is a one day event culminating in the private view of the associated exhibition in the evening. The aim is to encourage debate between researchers.

The exhibition will be held at the Herbert Read Gallery, Canterbury Campus and will show selected current work from UCA research students. A publication will be produced to record the event


ConferenceCall for Papers (open to UCA and CREST Member institutions)

Research students are invited to present a paper relating to their research at the conference. To apply, students should submit

• a paper title and
• 200-word abstract outlining a 20 minute presentation of their research.

Deadline for abstracts: Friday 2 December 2011

Exhibition – Call for Proposals (open to UCA students only)

UCA Research students are also invited to submit work relating to their current research for the selected exhibition. Students should submit a brief proposal of up to 200 words and up to three JPEG images (minimum 300 dpi) to describe the work to be exhibited.

Deadline for exhibition proposals: Friday 2 December  2011
• Up to 200 word proposal and up to 3 JPEG images (minimum 300 dpi)

All submissions and enquires to the Research Office with the subject heading ‘Research Student Conference’ and your name (i.e. Research Student Conference – J. Smith), or contact the CREST Research Network Coordinator for further information.