Rachel Persad

Head of Research Policy

Rachel leads on policy areas relating to research at GuildHE and manages GuildHE Research, a collaborative research consortium of 30 smaller and specialist institutions.

Prior to joining GuildHE, Rachel was the Editor of ARTbibliographies Modern, worked in the research and information team at the Crafts Council, and was the knowledge exchange broker between craft makers and archaeology research as part of ‘Creativity and Craft Production in middle and late Bronze Age’ (CinBA), a project funded by HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area).

At GuildHE Rachel has co-authored ‘Innovation Systems and the role of small and specialist higher education institutions’ and was seconded to complete an impact study of the CinBA project, funded by AHRC and presented to the European Commission.

Outside of work Rachel has two young children who, on occassion, let her fit in a game of tennis. 

ORCiD: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7320-4088
Academia.edu: https://independent.academia.edu/RachelBrockhurst